Friday, December 30, 2011

90 Day Challenge - ACF

At my gym(Albany Crossfit), there is a 90 day challenge starting January 1st. It involves Crossfit, Paleo nutrition, and becoming a healthier you. I am way too competitive for my own good so I signed up and I am ready to go. I probably shouldn't mention that this week I have spent time having my favorite not Paleo foods. The prizes are a great incentive for me, not to mention I have my own challenge going on.

This year is the year of fitness for me. It started July 8th 2011, and will end July 8th 2012. So, I am basically 6 months into my challenge. The first 3 months were awesome. I lost 15 pounds and a ton of inches. The last 3 months, I have stayed at the same weight, and my inches hadn't really changed.

Anyway back to the challenge at hand. I need to stick with 3 goals, measure my stats, and come up with a nutrition plan. Thankfully, I already have had the photo taken which was challenging for me. Women had to wear a sport bra and if you now me you know I hate showing my stomach. Its a personal weakness of mine. Makes me cringe inside if you know what I mean, so yeah...

Okay 3 goals:
+ Lose 10 pounds. I would like to get this ball rolling.
+ Crossfit 4 or more times a week. I currently come in 3 days a week and would like to up it.
+ Get over my fears of using bands for pull ups. I currently do ring rows and haven't even tried the bands. They freak me out a little too much.

Weight: 182.4 lbs
Belly Button: 39.5 inches

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