Monday, January 2, 2012

Dang thats one way to start the day...

I. “Grux”
Hand Stand Push-Ups
*5 minutes rest
II. 5 Sets
3 Rounds
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
*2 minutes rest between set
III. Tabata Flutter Kicks

I get to ACF this morning for the 5:45 am class and that's what I see. I was half tempted to turn around and just skip. I suck at HSPU's not to mention thats like 15 sets, so like 150 push ups if my math is correct. Not counting the HSPU's that I modify on a box. I totally started at 12, skipping 21 and 15. There just wasn't any way for me to actually make it through the workout.  Then there were freaking pull ups.

Now, one of my goals is to start doing pull ups with a band, but I was not going to go for that on day 2 of 90. It just wasn't going to happen, so ring rows. I am scared shitless of those freaking bands. I made it through 3 sets so 9 rounds total. The time cap was 35 minutes which I hit perfectly. I was totally dead at that point. Then it was Tabata FK for pain. They were the longest 20 seconds of my life and the shortest 10. I wouldn't have made it through it without the people cheering me on when they saw my legs start to stop.

I totally give morning mayhem props for dragging me through today.

Okay on to my food. I did awesome.
Breakfast: omlete with cheese, plus 3 slices of bacon
Lunch: larabar, pecans, clementine
Dinner: shrimp curry with butternut squash

Lunch was small since breakfast and dinner were on the bigger side. Dinner was freaking awesome. I have been perfecting my curry sauce and I think I have finally nailed it.

So, far I am two days down and doing good. The only downside is the my idea of a latte made with almond milk, was a good one. I just didn't like it. Next time I am trying coconut milk...

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