Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day Four, bring on some more...

I seem to be doing okay. I mean, I am keeping with my food plan, I am working out on days(like today) that I planned. Therefore, that should mean that I am doing good. In reality that isn't the case. I am stressed out beyond believe and keep having really weird mood swings. I am not sure what to blame in this case. I have a huge test on Monday which is a big source of stress. Not to mention all the benchmark workouts have been on days that I don't go to the gym. Add in the fact that all my free time is suppose to be spent studying and yeah, I might be freaking out.

My mind keeps going back to the point that this might have not been the best time to go for a challenge like this. Tax season is starting and I need to stay on track at work, I am trying to get in all the review I need for this test, while at thes ame time trying to eat a difficult diet and get to the gym. I can't even really say it will get better after monday when I take the test because I need to start studying for the next one, which I was planning on taking in Feb. Plus, tax season will just get worse as deadlines get closer.
I keep telling myself to take deep breaths and I am not the only one who has a ton going on right now. I know I can do this and I know I am not going to withdraw from the challenge, but so far this has been a rough week. I just need to keep moving forward, and I really hope these mood swings vanish.

Deep breath...


  1. I'll echo your sentiment to take a deep breath. It certainly sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now, but you also have realistic goals and a ton of fellow crossfitters who want you to succeed. The key is to plan plan plan. You can do this!

  2. Thank you so much for the support! Today is going alot better and I do keep reminding myself to take a step back and breath.
